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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the NAM 100 Litre Multipak Sprayer with 10m of Spray Hose would interest you. The 100 Litre Multipak Sprayer has a 10 meter spray hose with M4 lance and adjustable nozzle. It is a compact free standing sprayer with an outstanding value and versatility.
Simply connect to 12 volt power supply and go spraying.
The demand sensing Northstar NSQ pump will switch on when the hand trigger is activated

  • Polyethylene graduated tank (NZ made) with 250mm lid and filter basket.
  • External suction filter
  • Adjustable nozzle aperture to suit the application
  • NorthStar NSQ diaphragm pump and wiring loom with plug
  • 10m of spray hose with M4 lance and adjustable nozzle
For more information, please click Here Regards,
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