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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Bertolini 650L Maxi Deckmount Sprayer would interest you.

Bertolini Maxi Traymount Gun Sprayers are available in 400 and 650 litre versions, or the compact 'T' series. The Maxi Traymount Sprayers have been designed to suit larger farms and contractors. The polyethylene tanks are easy to clean and feature venturi agitation to eliminate chemical settling, a sump for complete tank evacuation, a heavy duty galvanised frame, Honda GX Series engine for easy starting and a BA 50 metre Maxi Reel.

BAD001-430 - 650L Standard
BAD001-T-430 - 650L Compact T Series

  • Add a tommi gun or a larger nozzle and this can be used as a smoke chaser or to help fight fires.

Please note, pictures are samples only and product may vary.


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