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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Bertolini 200L XP BoomJet Trailed Sprayer would interest you. Perfect for spot spraying around the farm.

The Bertolini trailer sprayer offers the following features:
  • 200 litre EZI-Spot Sprayer 11.3l.p.m., 45p.s.i
  • TeeJet XP BoomJet boomless nozzle kit. Sprays up to a 6 metre swath!
  • SHURFLO 12 volt pump
  • 15 metre EZI-Reel hose and Spot 300 gun
  • Wide axle with turf tyres and rims, keeping centre of gravity low for stability
  • Heavy duty RHS galvanised chassis with mud guards
  • 1 7/8" tow hitch
  • Optional BoomJet Kit or Spray Boom and wireless remote pump switch
Please note: pictures are samples only and product may vary.
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